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From 35+ years in the Legal industry to the exciting world of Travel

Written by Gaylene | 23-Nov-2023 23:35:10

We met up with one of our students, Gaylene, at the Australian Tourism Exchange (an industry event that we invited our students along to) and asked her some questions about her studies. Here is what she said...

Why did you decide to study the Travel and Tourism Diploma?

'After 35+ years working in the legal industry I decided it was time to change careers. I had been thinking about doing it for quite a number of years but constantly talked myself out of it because I believed I was too old, and no one would employ some who spent their whole working life working with lawyers, barristers, medical professionals and insurers. Nevertheless, I’ve always wanted to be a travel consultant as I just love travelling. My career so far has been helping people through legal claims mostly caused by traumatic events. Now I want to help people to see and experience the world and live their dreams. I want to feel the excite of someone living and loving their lives which I believe is one of the best things about being a travel consultant'.

Why did you choose Flight Centre Travel Academy?

'I looked into other travel and tourism courses like the TAFE and AFTA Certificate however, I felt that because the course was being taught by industry professionals who have the experience and knowledge, it would provide me a better opportunity of gaining employment as a travel consultant. I also like the thought of working for what seems to be a fun family company'.

What are you enjoying the most about the course?

'I have to say that I’m enjoying the way all the different subjects intertwine. How the assessments for the different subjects blend with each other to form a complete experience. I like the way, no matter where you want to go in the travel and tourism industry, the information is as much relevant to the travel sector as it is to the tourism sector and that you can make it your path'. 

How do you fit study into your life?

'I’m so lucky that I have a supportive partner who has allowed me to cut back my work to three days a week giving me two days a week to study.  On those two days, I fit in all the readings and lectures for the four subjects I’m studying then I add more time after work and on weekends for assessments. I still have time for my horses and ride two to three times a week, attend clinics on weekends, and do the housework. Alongside my career change I’m very involved with my partner's new adventure. So not a lot of spare time to watch TV which we don’t mind'. 

What advice would you give to future students?

'ENJOY.  Have an open inquisitive mind. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from the facilitators they are wonderful. Get involved and say yes to every opportunity available to you throughout the course. Make time for yourself and celebrate each achievement'. 

What is your career goal after you complete your studies?

'As I noted above, I’ve wanted to be a travel consultant for a long time but always talked myself out of it. So, my immediate career goal is to join the Flight Centre family and become a travel consultant. After that who knows but I’m going to just enjoy each and every day meeting new people, helping their dreams come alive and along the way live my own dream.'

Wish me luck 🍀 

Gaylene has joined the Travelcation Group, working in both inbound wholesale and retail travel. She says she's currently learning all aspects of the business including retail and inbound tour groups. Gaylene says it's very exciting and there is so much to learn, but she has fabulous mentors who are guiding her through the maze of the travel industry.

If you have always wanted to work in the Travel and Tourism industry, why not start today!? Ask us about our variety of Study + Job pathways.