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#JobPrep 2: 6 most commonly asked interview questions in travel

Written by Jolee Wakefield | 13-Nov-2016 20:00:00


Picture this....

Your awesome skills, quals, resume and cover letter have helped you land a job interview in the travel industry.

You’re jumping around with excitement until it hits you… what are they going to ask you at the job interview? What sort of answers are you going to give them?

Sure, your wit, charm, Flight Centre Travel Academy qualification and experience will help you get so far, but remember you can’t rely on them entirely to succeed at interview stage. Especially in an industry as competitive as travel.

To give youself the best chance of success at a job interview, you’re going to need indulge in some good, old-fashioned preparation. And here's how... 

Preparing for a job interview starts with planning well-formulated answers to questions you anticipate the recruiter will ask you.

For the second installment of #JobPrep (did you see #JobPrep 1: Resume and Cover Letter Templates?), we’ve come up with a list of the most commonly asked interview questions - and tips on how you can answer them (download our worksheet, below).

These questions include: tell me about yourself, what is your biggest strength, what is your greatest weakness, describe a difficult situation and how you overcame it, why should we hire you, and do you have any questions for us?

Download our handy #JobPrep commonly asked interview questions worksheet to work on your answers as well as be guided by useful advice and tips.

We're certain you will be asked to provide examples and situations of how you have applied certain skills in your own experiences and this worksheet will help you get ready for that.

After you've done your answers, memorise them and even practice delivering them in front of the mirror or with your family and friends.

And whatever you do, don’t make a common mistake and assume the hard work landing a job is over before you walk into your interview...

Want more assistance on how to land an interview? Check out our article - #JobPrep 1: Resume and Cover Letter Templates

Are you keen to build a career in the travel industry? Set yourself up with a career by studying a Diploma of Travel and Tourism with us and our partner Torrens University Australia! Or, upskill quickly or add to your prior experience with our travel agent Short Courses!